Strategic Plan
ACR Wisconsin’s Purpose:
ACR Wisconsin promotes the use and practice of mediation and cooperative conflict resolution processes in Wisconsin.
ACR Wisconsin’s Vision Statement:
ACR Wisconsin aspires to be a common ground for practitioners of the full continuum of dispute resolution practices to pursue knowledge and expertise about mediation and all cooperative conflict resolution processes. ACR Wisconsin supports and promotes the use of these processes and practices.
ACR Wisconsin’s Mission Statement:
ACR Wisconsin seeks to promote and develop the use and practice of cooperative conflict resolution through mediation, arbitration and restorative justice, to name a few perspectives.
ACR Wisconsin will engage its expanding membership to:
a. increase the public’s knowledge and support of mediation and cooperative conflict resolution practices in a variety of venues; and,
b. diversify its membership to include individuals from many ages, cultures, and professions who are interested in mediation and cooperative conflict resolution.
c. increase delivery of resources for the profession of mediation in Wisconsin.