Why Join ACR Wisconsin?
Our members derive substantial benefits from being a part of a vital and dynamic organization whose members are dedicated to the development of dispute resolution skills and the growth of the mediation profession. ACR Wisconsin provides numerous educational opportunities, conferences, publications, and networking opportunities for its members and the general public.
At its conferences, meetings, and through its newsletter, ACR Wisconsin provides an important networking opportunity for members to share ideas, information and challenges within and across different mediation interest areas.
Scholarship & Awards
Each year ACR Wiscoisn confers:
The Dale Virnig Scholorship - a grant covering the fee for the Emerging Issues conference and travel cost to a mediator with less than three years of practice.
President's Award - recognizing outstanding service to ACR Wisconsin.
Distinguished Service Award - recognizing efforts nationwide in the field of mediation.
Access to Association for Conflict Resolution (ACR)
events as well as to those of ACR Chapters around the country
Professional Members of ACR who are also verified chapter members of ACR Wisconsin receive 25% discount in ACR Membership.